Second Grade  

Grade level book options  

  • The Umbrella by Jan Brett 

  • Bugs For Lunch by Margery Facklam 

  • King of a Big Deal: The Sun Is Kind of a Big Deal by Nick Seluk 

  • One Green Apple by Eve Bunting 


7Cā€™s Journal Prompts  

  • Catholic Identity: Tell us a God story. When do you see God in your life this summer? 

  • Content: What are some new, interesting or amazing things you learned about in your book?  

  • Collaboration: If you were on an island with one of the characters from your book, how would you work together to build a raft and shelter? 

  • Communication: Which character from your book would you most like to have a conversation with?  What would you ask them? Why? 

  • Creativity: If you could create your own summer camp, what would it be like? The name of your camp? Activities at your camp? Food at your camp?  

  • Critical Thinking: What was one problem (friendships, schoolwork) that you had to solve in 1st grade?   

  • Confidence: What characteristics do you need to be successful in 2nd grade? 

Grade specific directions/notes: Please choose AT LEAST one book and one writing prompt to complete this summer. Your writing response should be at least 5 sentences long. Your response MUST be handwritten.