First Grade  

Grade level book options  

  • First Grade, Here I Come by D.J. Steinberg 

  • Walter Does His Best by Eva Pilgrim 

  • Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak 

  • Frog and Toad Are Friends by Arnold Lobel 

  • Actual Size by Steve Jenkins 

7Cā€™s Journal Prompts  

  • What does a first grader need to be confident? (confidence) 

  • Write about a problem that a character had and how they overcame it? (critical thinking) 

  • If I could switch places with any book character, it would be... (communication) 

  • What is an example of a book character showing kindness? (Catholic Identity) 

  • What book character would you like to have a playdate with? What would you do? (collaboration) 

  • Create a new book cover for your favorite book (creativity)  

  • What are three things you learned a non-fiction/informational text? (content) 

Grade specific directions/notes  

Students should read at least one of the above titles and complete one journal prompt. All prompts can be used with most grade level appropriate titles.