HSPT Test Prep for 8th Graders - RedwoodPrep

The high school admissions process can be challenging, and the HSPT exam often stands out as one of the more critical, and stressful, parts. Students applying to Catholic high schools in the Chicago area take the HSPT for both admissions and placement purposes. RedwoodPrep is excited to offer a best-practice preparation program to help students prepare for this exam.

A great course requires great instructors and great materials. RedwoodPrep’s HSPT program delivers both. RedwoodPrep’s HSPT instructor has solid years of teaching experience, and RedwoodPrep’s materials have been improved over a decade of experience preparing thousands of students for the HSPT exam. This will be our 15th year preparing students in Chicago.

The RedwoodPrep program covers all five sections of the HSPT exam and begins with a comprehensive assessment exam. The next day focuses on learning content. By program’s end, students know how to tackle every type of problem on the HSPT – and effectively manage their time and the test.

Based on experience, we know that students benefit the most by holding the program close to exam day. RedwoodPrep will be hosting the program at St. Barnabas School on Saturdays starting on Saturday, November 4 and ending on November 25. The course will be taught from 9:30 to 11:30 am OR 12:00 to 2:00 pm. Students will receive a manual on the day of the course.

Sign-up to improve test skills, learn key content and reduce stress. To sign-up, learn more and find complementary preparation materials, please visit www.RedwoodPrep.com.

We hope to get the opportunity to work with your family to prepare for this exam. Regardless of your participation in this program, we wish you the best of luck with your high school process,

Greg Owsley

RedwoodPrep Director
