St. Benedict Prep Students Continue to Excel on i-Ready Assessments  

In 2021, the Archdiocese of Chicago implemented a system-wide use of i-Ready Diagnostics for standards-based assessment to measure student growth against the Common Core standards in reading and math. In addition, i-Ready assessment also provides teachers real-time data to inform instruction.

i-Ready is an online program that helps determine a student’s strengths and areas for growth. Results help to personalize learning and monitor progress throughout the school year. The i-Ready Diagnostic is an adaptive assessment that adjusts to suit a child’s needs. Each question a student receives is based on their answer to the previous question. A series of correct answers will result in slightly harder questions, while a series of incorrect answers will yield slightly easier questions.
The purpose is not to give students a score or grade but to determine how to best support student learning.

St. Benedict Prep Spring 2023 i-Ready Diagnostic Results

We are dedicated to ensuring that all students are meeting their adademic potential, no matter where they begin. We measure our progress in this area by conducting i-Ready Diagnostic Assessments three times througout the school year. Teachers utilize the assessments to determine how to best personalize each student’s learning and monitor progress.

Comparison to Statewide and Local Measures

Although our students significantly outperform statewide reading and math proficiency levels, our goals are set much hight r sure all students are growing academically. 86% of our students are on/above grade level for reading and 84% for math. According to the Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR), only 30% of Illinois students are meeting proficiency standards for reading and 26% for math. You can also see how our students compare to local CPS schools.

Students’ superior performance on the Aspire tests qualified St. Benedict Prep as a National Blue Ribbon School in 2019, one of only 50 private schools in the nation to earn the recognition.

Click for the Council for America Private Education (CAPE), for private schools honored on the 2019 Blue Ribbon list.

Increasing Student Proficiency Over Time

Not only have we achieved gains in the percentage of students reaching proficiency in both reading and math, we have also seen the percentage of students falling seriously behind decrease each of the last three years.