Mrs. Rachel Metz, Head of Lower School
We have made it to the end of the second trimester and to Spring Break - at 3 o’clock tomorrow! Just a reminder we have a professional development day for teachers on Monday, March 24th, school will resume on Tuesday, March 25th. We’ll have an out of uniform day on Wednesday for St. Joseph’s Day (better late than never :) as well as hearing and vision screenings.
If you are traveling for Spring Break, I wish you all safe and fun trips. If you are staying in Chicago, I hope it’s relaxing and fun! We look forward to hearing about all of the adventures our students have.
Have a great Spring Break!
Mrs. Metz
Important Dates –
Friday, March 14th
Last Day of Trimester 2
St. Patrick’s Day out of uniform - wear green!
1st/3rd Grade Field Trip to the Felician Sisters Convent for the Stations of the Cross
Spring Break begins at dismissal
Monday, March, 17th - Friday, March 21st - No School - Spring Break
Monday, March 24th - No School - Professional Development Day
Tuesday, March 25th - School resumes, Trimester 3 begins
Wednesday, March 26th
St. Joseph’s Day out of uniform - wear red, white and gold
Hearing/vision screenings begin
Tuesday, April 1st - Report Cards Sent Home