Prayers and Support Requested for One of Our Students

Dear SBPS Parents and Guardians,

I'm writing to you today to rally our community to support classmate and friend, Florencia Diaz.  In late May, the Diaz family learning that Flor had lost hearing in her right ear.  Doctors soon learned that this was caused by a rare, locally aggressive, skull-based tumor growing between her ear and brain.  Right now, the Diaz family and Flor are getting ready to have the tumor surgically removed on October 10, at Lurie Children's Hospital.   

The school year has been tough for her so far.  She's been missing school for countless doctor consultations.  On the days she can attend, she's been suffering terrible headaches and going home at lunch.  But being at school among friends and teachers has really helped to keep things feeling somewhat "normal" for her. 

It's been a tough year, and it's about to get even harder.  The surgery is complicated, and her recovery could be difficult.  She'll spend about a week in the hospital after the surgery, and will likely be out of school for weeks.  We can only imagine how hard it's going to be for Flor to be away from school and her friends and classmates.   

We want to ask our school community to come together and help us support Flor and the Diaz family though this challenging time.  We are blessed to be part of such a caring and compassionate community.  We hope you'll consider showing that care and compassion by helping in any way possible.

GoFundMe: Florencia's medical costs (the uncovered parts) and her recovery will be a strain for the Diaz family.  If you are able, please consider a donation to this link, which will help Kevin and Marta focus their energies on Florencia's healing.  The GoFundMe site also allows you to send notes of support, and read updates on her status as well, so please return to this site from time to time. Your messages and prayers will be shared with the Diaz family every day.  

Kevin and Marta would like you to understand that it may sometimes be tough to answer messages right away, and Flor probably won't be communicating at all for a while. Please know how truly grateful they are for your support and love!  

We know that Flor can't wait to put all this behind her, and get back to her St. Ben’s family. There will be tough days ahead, but we know that you and your children can make a big difference with your support!   

Thank you, 

Kathryn Barnaby and Marisa Lewis 

The BuzzRachel Gemo