Upper School: Intermediate: 4th & 5th Grades

Savass Envision Math continues in the intermediate grades as students continue to learn the underlying principles and applications of math skills.  The balanced literacy approach remains a critical component of learning as students continue reading at personalized levels.  Reader’s Workshop, Writer’s Workshop, and Novel Studies allow students to write about their reading and receive individual feedback from teachers.  Research and presentation skills are developed through special projects and assignments in Science and Social Studies.  Students grow in independence and critical thinking skills during these years. Click here for an Intermediate Frequently Asked Questions sheet.


Small class sizes
Certified teacher in every classroom
Leveled instruction in Reading
Departmentalized instruction in Science and Social Studies
1:1 technology integration with school-issued laptop/tablet
2 Spanish or French sessions per week (French for 5th grade)
2 Physical Education sessions per week
1 Library session per week
One trimester each of Art, Music, and STEM Technology
Global Learning Lab
Optional band and strings instruction
Portfolio reflection and goal setting
4 field trips per year
Daily recess in secure courtyard
Teaching positive social behavior with Positive Behavioral Intervention & Support program

Daily prayer and weekly Mass attendance
Prayer Buddy Partnerships with Lower School students

Before school and after school extended care
Extracurricular Club Offerings
Optional strings instruction Optional band instruction
Athletic program includes basketball, volleyball, cross country, and track & field